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THEMUSEUM Exhibitions: #FFWR: Laura Snider, “Phone,” and the Art of Communication

Communication has changed drastically over time with the move from analog to digital. We are instantly connected and plugged in to the digital world around us through inventions in new media and technology. This transformation is the primary basis of Laura Snider’s installation, Phone, which is on display as part of the Fast Forward Waterloo Region exhibition.

Snider highlights our move from analog to digital through the use of a rotary phone, breathing life into a nearly abandoned form technology that is now rarely used. The installation begins with the image of a rotary phone, and then branches out to show contemporary technology at play.

Snider uses every day mediums such as tape and paper to create her installations. This choice is made very deliberately to show that common, mundane objects found around us can also be used for art!

While the use of these materials may be unconventional, it gives new meaning to everyday items and shows that an artist does not need specific or expensive materials in order to create art. Snider has done six different installations using tape and paper, four of which have been on display in other exhibitions.

Snider is currently affiliated with The Button Factory, teaching a wide range of classes along with completing her final year of study for a Fine Arts program at university. As an emerging artist, she is very thankful that Collective Identity allowed her the opportunity to participate in Fast Forward Waterloo Region, where she was able to work with numerous established artists from Waterloo Region.

If you haven’t seen Fast Forward Waterloo Region yet, make sure you come out to THEMUSEUM today (October 4, 2015); it’s the last day that the exhibition is open!

And make sure to check out previous posts from #FFWRReflections on Stone SoupWhat does art mean to you? and What do you see in 50 years?