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GIRAFFE | A Heightened Experience opens June 2024

THEMUSEUM’s newest exhibition GIRAFFE | A Heightened Experience explores the miraculous lives of the world’s tallest animal and the scientific work by Canadian, Dr. Anne Innis Dagg.

The exhibition features a behind-the-scenes look at Dr.Dagg’s life. Dagg is a zoologist, biologist, animal rights activist, feminist, teacher, and mother of three who received worldwide recognition as the first Western scientist to study giraffes in the wild in 1956. She was appointed to the Order of Canada, and in 2020 fulfilled her lifelong wish and established the Anne Innis Dagg Foundation with a mission to promote the harmonious coexistence of humans and wildlife through the integration of conservation and education.

“I am honoured and pleased to be able to showcase the lifelong work of such an outstanding Canadian icon,” said David Marskell, CEO of THEMUSEUM. “This exhibition will truly allow us to meet our vision to awe, inspire and enlighten people of all stages of life.”

“It’s an honour for the Anne Innis Dagg Foundation to co-present such a creative and educational exhibition of the most magnificent animal on earth, the giraffe,” said Dagg, a Waterloo local. “I have travelled the world studying giraffes and I’ve never stopped learning. It is one of my life’s great pleasures to help present an exhibition of my beloved giraffe right here in the place that I love.”

The new exhibition, curated by guest curator Virginia Eichhorn and THEMUSEUM staff members Laurel McKellar and Sarah Love, includes interactive and VR experiences that immerse guests in the world of giraffes.

We are pleased to be working with The Anne Innis Dagg Foundation, Wild Immersion and the Toronto Zoo as key partners with this original exhibition,” said Laurel McKellar of THEMUSEUM. “We are looking forward for our guests to see Anne’s personal collection and video footage from her travels to South Africa, video content and information about the Toronto Zoo giraffes and conservation programs, and in true THEMUSEUM fashion, interactive experiences you wouldn’t see anywhere else.”

THEMUSEUM is grateful for the support from BDO, BMO Private Wealth, Gowlings, KPMG and Skyjack for their support of this exhibition. GIRAFFE | A Heightened Experience opens on June 8, 2024.
