Dinosaurs | The Edge of Extinction uncovers a century of research about both Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex – two of the most well-known dinosaurs – and how they lived until the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction. It will reveal the interdependence between the species, their environment, and the forces that shaped both their life and extinction. Through new, technology-based interactive stations you will get to see the world through the eyes of different dinosaurs, learn how a Pterosaur flies, and walk among these giants.
Meet THEMUSEUM’s Dinosaur Family and interact with an infant Triceratops and T-Rex, and have your bravery tested when you take part in a newly developed program that allows you to come face to face with a walking, roaring dinosaur.
Meet Our Dinosaur Family
THEMUSEUM’s Dinosaur Family
During Dinosaurs | The Edge of Extinction, THEMUSEUM will be housing three new staff members: a juvenile T-Rex, a baby T-Rex, and a baby Triceratops. Although the two babies will only be with us for a short time, the juvenile T-Rex will be with us forever!
Name: Maverick
Age: 12
Favourite Food: Steak wrapped in bacon
Favourite Movie: Jurassic Park
Hobbies: Chasing other dinosaurs and roaring as loud as I can!
“I’m excited to visit THEMUSEUM and put on shows for everyone! Even though I’m loud and tall, don’t be scared: I want to show you how cool dinosaurs can be!”
Baby Triceratops
Name: Rosie
Age: 3 months
Favourite Food: Lettuce wraps filled with broccoli and carrots
Favourite Movie: The Land Before Time
Hobbies: Gardening – I use my horns to dig holes for seeds!
“Visiting THEMUSEUM will let me make more friends that are humans! If you get the chance, come say ‘hi’ and learn more about what my dinosaur friends and I are like during the Cretaceous Period!”
Baby Tyrannosaurus-Rex
Name: Bradley
Age: 4 months
Favourite Food: Hamburgers without the buns
Favourite Movie: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Hobbies: Playing hide-and-seek with my T-Rex and raptor friends!
“Did you know that I have feathers? Because I do! If you visit me at THEMUSEUM you’ll learn even more cool facts about dinosaurs!”